First Webinar Strategy! Zooming To Webinar Success E5

In E4 we discussed defining the purpose, goals or objectives. Hopefully you have now defined WHY you’re having your webinar, or better- WHAT you want to accomplish.

Today’s episode- number 5- we’re going to strategize a bit. Think about the learning by firehose memes you’ve seen. We all GET the metaphor. So defining what you wanted to accomplish should inform how to go about your inaugural webinar. In other words, we don’t want to firehose your audience! We want to break it down.

Speaking for You #2 Finding the Vibe!

If you’ve ever been in theater, or acting of any kind, you know there are many reasons actors are selected, or rejected. It may be NOTHING you did or didn’t do. I’ve actually seen VOICE rejections like, “he didn’t sound tall enough.” ummm, okay. So back to an assumption that you now have several choices for your role. Listen in!

How can I help your business?

Purpose, Goals, Objectives- ZoomToWebinar E4

In this episode we’re going to discuss #purpose, #goals or #objectives.

As simple as this may sound, in consulting on webinars and business both, it stuns me how often people don’t consider the real purpose of what they are doing! There’s an old story that then President Kennedy, (remember this was moon-shot-planning days!)– asked a janitor what he did at the White House. Supposedly the man answered, “I’m helping put a man on the moon!”

True or not, it really demonstrates someone who understands their purpose. So, I ask you; What is the purpose of your webinar? What’s the goal, the objective?

May I help plan your webinar?

Speaking for You #2 Why Hire On Screen Talent!?

WHY?? (would you??)

Let’s deal with the “why”. Just like Voice Over or Voice Acting, there are many reasons to hire someone to speak for you. Some random reasons;

  • You’ve no one at your organization that is comfortable in front of the camera.
  • You have someone comfortable, but really not qualified to do so.
  • No one trained to work “on camera”
  • Bias: Gender, race and so on.
  • The people you do have available don’t “look” like your market.
  • And… (Watch the video!)

How can I help your business?

Managing Your Audience- Episode E03

We’ll assume you have some type following. This is almost always from one or two places: 1) Over a period of time you’ve established a solid email newsletter list: 2) You have established a following on various social media platforms. In essence, you have followers or fans and they are WANTING more content.

The question then for today is, “How will I manage the audience?- or How to manage contacts?”

How can I help your business?

Burn out is real for ANY business owner! Getting Started in Voice Over #35

Today is about being an entrepreneur, so whether you’re a voice artist or flower shop owner, restaurateur, or other small business owner/operator, this is for you. Few if ANY of our friends understand what it’s like to be an entrepreneur. Until you are responsible for every single element of a business, you won’t get it. What’s everything? Name it. Business planning, financing, pricing decisions, hours of operation, marketing, advertising, accounting, tax prep, communications with… everyone, customer service, employee training and Development, and MORE

How can I help your business?

The Very Basics -Zooming To Webinar Success E02

I did a bunch of planning, set up a spreadsheet and knew exactly where I thought I’d need to help you start, then a conversation with a new client yesterday, made me realize I needed to start further back. So, let’s start here! The MOST basic of basics! I’m available to create and manage your webinar and even your live or hybrid event if needed!

How can I help your business?