Testimonials can be educational, and occasionally smarmy.
When you’re hiring #onscreentalent or being hired as the #actor it can be challenging!
Testimonials can be educational, and occasionally smarmy.
When you’re hiring #onscreentalent or being hired as the #actor it can be challenging!
Can your actor “Hold” a character? The embodiment? The voice, attitude, swagger, shyness?
Take a listen.
Here’s some thoughts about directing your actors in your “on screen” roles. Also mentioned is this full clip on directing, (see bottom of page).
When hiring onscreen talent, what should they do, and NOT do for your project.
Today we look at some of the draw backs and pitfalls of using on-screen talent! I was speaking yesterday with my most frequent customer that uses me for on-screen spokes person work. She said they’d been in a meeting a week or two ago and suddenly thought, “What if Grant decides not to do this anymore? Or if he got really sick, or…” Well, there’s that.
Watch now!