Where do I find work? Getting started in VoiceOver #14

Well you’ve done the hard work! Now we stare at the phone and wait for it to ring. We’re moments away from that big corporate contract for a national ad!!!

Or not.

Now its about finding the work. Now we do more hard work. We work to find customers. Find talent agencies, media production houses, etc. We call and ask if they’re accepting demos (more next week on demos). Make a list of those that are. Send kind emails with the demo they might suggest or links to your files you’ve stored somewhere like Dropbox or a Google Drive.

But you’re still waiting on that phone to ring. Another choice is digital delivery platforms like Fiverr, UpWork, ACX, and many, many others. Some like Fiverr and UpWork are free to join, but take a percentage. On ACX you work it out with the rights holder. Many others you pay to join. There’s a TON of information on all these out there. Do some research and see if they work for you!

What can I record for you?

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