I QUIT!!! (doing it wrong, that is).

I Quit.

I hope.

How often has the first sentence lead immediately to the second for us? I think our brains are hard-wired to “do the safe thing”. Continue to do what we “know” as opposed to learning new skills and challenging our own thoughts and beliefs. I’ve actually done a LOT of this over the last year.

One thing I committed myself (hmmm…) to doing this was concentrating on posting to three social media platforms: #LinkedIn, #Facebook and #Instagram every single day. And since April of 2021ish, I’ve done that. Mostly with #videocontent. Why? I’m a #voiceactor as well as #spokesperson (for hire). I thought, man, if people see me on-screen and hear my voice, I’ll get more work!

Likely a smart strategy.

Except I did it wrong.

Today I stand (actually sitting, but…) before you a changed man. I Quit.

Well, I quit doing it the wrong way. I hope. I sat in on a webinar with #LinkedIn specialist @Richard Bliss opened my eyes to several indisputable things.
1) JUST posting to social media can be a HUGE time waster if we’re doing it wrong! The platforms have ONE goal: Keep you and others using THEIR platform.
2) Posting the wrong way can be worse than not posting! (Re-read #1).
3) I need to figure out a) How to do it right, or b) find an affordable way to have it done for me.

We all want our business to grow. So today I’ve promised myself to restart and figure out how to do it well and correctly! I want my #voiceover business to grow, but more, I’m tired of wasting resources and time to no traction.

Here’s to doing it right.

How can I help your business?

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