I noticed a week or so ago that I was making (unconscious) mouth clicks that were worsening. Pay attention on your post edits for things that change and sneak in!
How can I help your business grow?
I noticed a week or so ago that I was making (unconscious) mouth clicks that were worsening. Pay attention on your post edits for things that change and sneak in!
How can I help your business grow?
Well, it’s “almost” epsidode 40. Listen to find out why and a quick recap of the episodes since July, 2021.
How can I help your business grow?
Episode List:
#1: What about my recording space?
#2: MORE on recording space
#3: Evaluating YOUR recording space
#4: Do I have the right voice?
#5: Advice on starting ANY business
#6: You ARE starting a business
#7: What business entity do I start with?
#8: What equipment to buy?
#9: What’s a DAW?
#10: A quick DAW demo
#11: Copyright
#12: Do I need a coach to do VO?
#13: “Failure-proofing” your business
#14: Where do I find work?
#15: Working hard- Intentionally
#16: Demos, Auditions, & Samples
#17: Customer service
#18: Are you flexible?
#19: Let’s talk branding!
#20: It’s a lot like hard work!
#21 (Even) MORE on your recording space
#22: Digital delivery platforms
#23: More on mics and foam backing
#24: When do I go full-time?
#25: Phrasing your VO
#26: Check your ego at the door
#27: Is it “Gut-check” time?
#28: Pricing your products & services
#29: Cost of doing business
#30: Customer relations
#31: The VO Community
#32: Stop trying to get new clients!
#33: Mistakes I see
#34: OPPS! There is none!!
#35: Burn out is real for ANY business owner
#36: Using a StreamDeck
#37: To sit or stand when recording?
#38: Using time effectively #39: How do we stand out?
If you’re new to #VoiceOver, you may wonder if you should sit or stand. Is one way better? Listen in!
Since 2000, I’ve worked in the marketing arena and worked with some very good intellectual property (IP) attorneys. What you’ll watch is NOT legal advice (there you’ve been warned), but information garnered from many hours of consulting with them.
Here’s a bottom line for ya: IF you don’t have express, written consent to use an image, photograph, music, sound or written word file. Don’t. There. That was simple, right? Yeah, but what about…
What can I record for you?
Yeah your ego might take a ding, but otherwise, you’re likely to survive. However, it’s harder when you get great advise that takes you down the wrong path. So it was with the electrical and sound system on my motorcycle. The right advise, but wrong solution. Finally took reflecting on two sets of advise and seeing the solution between them. Fun times.
What can I record for you?
I can do a lot of things. But I’m often reminded that there are things better left to others. This last week it was the graphic redesign of my branding. I gave a talented artist carte blanche (if you don’t know that reference you might be in a younger age bracket! LOL) to design something new and fresh. He did and it’s reflected now in all my social media posts and new web design. Go check out my site! The go do what you are great at!!
I wasn’t overjoyed with my branding, but it was really “okay”. But that’s changed!
I’m very excited to share the release of new branding for all things, “GrantsVoice”. I started working with a very good social media guy that has designed all my social media posts “look and feel”. I liked it so much that all my stuff has been changed. Would love your comments!
What can I record for you?
I just KNOW you’re surprised!! (not)
A HUGE amount of voice over work that comes our way is recording commercials!
I chat a bit about the process (abbreviated, of course) and play a sample of a commercial I conceived, wrote, produced for demonstration purposes.
Simply put, a Digital Audio Workstation coverts the signal from your mic/interface into visible, editable sound.
The two I suggest using are:
Audacity: https://www.audacityteam.org/download/ -pretty much free to use. Great to start with, easy to understand, a LOT of youtube stuff out there to help you
Reaper: https://www.reaper.fm/download.php -60 day free evaluation period and pretty inexpensive to purchase. –Booth Junkie: Watch/use his series on setting up Reaper for VO. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfZ6UxFujx4&list=PLzEW-dm_vsRvfiH9RVKAJA6Vd2CccnVmn
Kenny Gioia’s “Reaper Mania” is the next to watch. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq297H7Ca98HlB5mVFHGSsQ
This one is a bit about me and my strengths as shown in a recent assessment I took as part of being elected to the local AAF (American Advertising Federation). How’d I score?
1- Strategic
2- Relator
3- Futuristic
4- Learner
5- Restorative
Are you using your strengths? I think I am. Slowly but surely over the past few years, I’ve tried to stop trying to do the “things I could do” and do more “Things I’m great at”.
Btw, great learning in our retreat yesterday (with AAF). When you see me, ask me about being “Well Rounded”. Great lesson there!
Can I help your business with strategy or other challenges. Yes! Contact me here!